Students at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) in Texas and New Mexico: An In-Depth Profile of Their Backgrounds, Commitments, and Perspectives




Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Hispanic/Latinx, First-generation college students, Culture


Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) educate nearly two-thirds of the Hispanic/Latinx students who attend college. Yet little is known about the student populations they serve. Findings from two NSF-funded surveys completed with students at 14 HSIs in Texas and New Mexico in 2018 and four HSIs in TX in 2019 are presented. The combined sample was 1,293 students. A description of the backgrounds, commitments, experiences, and preferences of students at HSIs and differences found between responses from Hispanic/Latinx and non-Hispanic students are discussed. Primary topic areas are demographics, first-generation student standing, cultural orientation, primary language and fluency in Spanish, family and work commitments, relationship status, family support, living arrangements, means of financing college, course load, STEM identity, annual income of household of origin and of personal household, locus of control orientation, familism, and experience in college. The result is a thorough and up-to-date profile of the HSI student population in TX and NM. Statistical analysis revealed multiple significant differences between Hispanic/Latinx and non-Hispanic students attending the HSIs and the presence of several significant predictors for forms of activity and patterns of commitment. The findings are immediately applicable to process, program, student support, and instructional planning, implementation, and evaluation for over 120 HSIs in the region and, by extension, to hundreds more across the United States.


Preuss, M. D., Sosa, E. M., Rodin, J. C., Dorsett, C. R., Ramos, J. D., & Burleson, C. R. (2021). Students at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) in Texas and New Mexico: An in-depth profile of their backgrounds, commitments, and perspectives. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 7(2), 287-326.





