Investigation of Metaphorical Perceptions of Preschool Teachers on the Concept of Language Development
Preschool, Teacher, Language development, MetaphorAbstract
The aim of this study is to determine the mental images of preschool teachers’ perceptions through metaphors about language development. Participating in the study was voluntary and a total of 110 preschool teachers participated in the study. The phenomenology design from the qualitative research designs was administrated in this study, aiming to specify the perceptions of preschool teachers on language development by means of metaphors. The obtained data were analyzed by content analysis technique. The metaphors developed by preschool teachers on language development were classified under 9 different categories. The category of language development based on labor and effort was represented by the following metaphors "sapling, tree, baby, chick, crawl, seed, ant, industry, jigsaw, bird wing, marathon, swim". Based on this category, it may be argued that preschool teachers consider language development a long journey, which requires labor, effort, love, care, and support and having various difficulties and sensitivities in itself. The category of language development as an expression of eternity and depth was represented by the following metaphors: "ocean, eternity, deep waters, iceberg, outer space, artwork". In addition, the metaphor of “ocean” draws attention as the metaphor, developed most among all categories.References
Bulut, A. (2021). Investigation of metaphorical perceptions of preschool teachers on the concept of language development. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 7(2), 351-366.
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