A Study towards Views of Teacher Candidates about National and Global Environmental Problems


  • Bulent Alagoz Gaziantep Üniversitesi, Nizip Eğitim Fakültesi, İlköğretim Bölümü
  • Ozkan Akman Gaziantep University, Faculty of Nizip Education


Global and national environmental problems, Environmental education, Candidate teachers


In this research, determination of primary school, social studies and mathematics candidate teachers’ awareness and susceptibility levels about environmental problems, solution suggestions about these problems, activities used in environmental education and views about environmental education were targeted. Sample of this research comprised of 449 candidate teachers from Nizip Education Faculty (Gaziantep University) and Education Faculty of Çukurova University. Research carried out in Fall Semester of 2015-2016 Education year. The data collection tool was a questionnaire done by candidate teachers. In the data analysis, number, percentage, average and standard deviation as descriptive statistical methods were used. One way ANOVA test was used in comparison of quantitative continuity data between more than two independent samples. Scheffe test was used as subsidiary post-hoc analysis for determining differences after ANOVA test. Pearson correlation analysis was practiced between continuous variables of research. Analysis results showed that “social susceptibility” and “general susceptibility” level of the participants was high whereas “academic susceptibility” level of the participants was very high. Environmental education, which is the biggest factor in awakening environmental awareness, must be extended to all the masses. One way to make this happen is to put weight on environmental education in the formal education programs.





