What Do We Know about Giftedness and Underachievement? A Bibliometric Analysis
Underachievement, Giftedness, Bibliometric, TrendsAbstract
This bibliometric study aimed to analyze the main trends of published articles and reviews between 1958 and 2018 regarding underachievement in gifted students. The sample included 203 files extracted from the databases Scopus and Web of Science. The analysis included the number of publications; most productive journals, countries, and authors; affiliations; language; and citations. Main results indicate that Roeper Review has published most of the documents in this area, and Donna Y. Ford is the author with most publications. The U.S. is the most productive country, while the University of Georgia is the most productive institution. Additionally, the predominant language is English, with 91.63% of the publications. These results are discussed and analyzed based on the existing literature. Limitations and future research are also considered.References
Cornejo-Araya, C. A., Gómez-Araya, C. A., Muñoz-Huerta, Y. P., & Reyes-Vergara, C. P. (2021). What do we know about giftedness and underachievement? A bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 7(2), 400-411. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijres.1481
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