Argument-Driven Inquiry Learning Model: A Systematic Review
Argument-driven inquiry, Scientific literacy, Science education, Systematic review, Learning modelAbstract
The learning approach is an important component of education. ADI learning model allows learners to argue actively based on the surrounding observable phenomena in the laboratory. This research aims to review national diversities that represent or contribute to studies by applying the ADI learning model and the research type varieties and characteristics and stages of Argument-Driven Inquiry learning model applied by other researchers; research subjects, the applied content materials for investigation, and the impact of Argument-Driven Inquiry learning model. This research is a systematic literature review (SLR) with published article databases from Scopus, ERIC, and Google Scholar. The applied keywords were "Argument-Driven Inquiry" and "Science Education." The findings showed twenty-three articles were in line with the categories. Then, the analysis and classification could be done for each article. The ADI learning model implementation had been frequently found to improve learners' scientific argumentative skills rather than analytical skills or critical thinking skills. The applied content materials were mostly chemical materials, biology, and rarely found in physics. Most applied research types from the articles were quasi-experimental research. The implication of this research is to provide insight for further reviewing the argument-driven inquiry model (ADI) to improve science learning quality.References
Fakhriyah, F., Rusilowati, A., Wiyanto, W., & Susilaningsih, E. (2021). Argument-Driven Inquiry Learning Model: A systematic review. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 7(3), 767-784.
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