Mathematics Teachers’ Use of Information and Communication Technologies: An International Comparison


  • Elisheba Kiru


ICT, Mathematics, International, Self-efficacy, Teacher


There is an urgent need to understand how often teachers use information and communication technologies (ICT) in mathematics instruction. This information can provide vital links that can help stakeholders make connections about ICT use in mathematics instruction and student learning experiences with ICT. Scholars in the field have reported on the numerous challenges in schools facing ICT integration beyond availability of ICT. Understanding the frequency of ICT use can also shed light on areas that need continued research, such as examining the trends of ICT use in mathematics instruction among teachers and across countries. Additionally, in an effort to understand how teachers use ICT, there is a need to investigate the various factors that may impact ICT use in content areas such as mathematics. This study offers an international perspective that focuses on eight countries using the TALIS 2013 dataset to investigate frequency of ICT use, and examine factors that may have contributed to teachers‘ ICT use in mathematics instruction. This analysis shows limited ICT use in mathematics instruction and differences in ICT use among the countries. Teacher cooperation, mathematics self-efficacy, and professional development in ICT skills were significant predictors of ICT use. Implications for research and policy are discussed.


Kiru, E.W. (2018). Mathematics teachers‘ use of information and communication technologies: An international comparison. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 4(1), 165-177. DOI:10.21890/ijres.383119





