Design Learning Module Fundamental of Computer Science: Evaluation of Content Validity
STEM education, Fundamental of Computer Science (FSC), Design learning module, Content validityAbstract
The visualization concept and multimedia is commonly used in designing various learning methods in education. However, less study was conducted for Fundamental of Computer Science (FCS) subjects especially in STEM education approach. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the content of design learning module for the subject of secondary two-topic Algorithms. The study uses a qualitative approach by interviewing five experts with related educational background to validate the content of the module. The findings show positive responses from those experts regarding applied visualization and multimedia suggesting some modifications be done for teaching and learning environment in the future. In conclusion, this study conclusively improvises design learning module for FCS subject by enhancing STEM education aligned with the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025.References
Abdul Rahman, M., Zakaria, M. S., & Din, R. (2021). Design learning module fundamental of computer science: Evaluation of content validity. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 7(4), 1104-1116.
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