Development of Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Classroom Teachers on The Numbers in Terms of Two Components


  • Burcin Gokkurt Ozdemir
  • Omer Sahin
  • Kani Basibuyuk
  • Emrullah Erdem
  • Yasin Soylu


The aim of the study is to examine whether classroom teachers‟ Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) on numbers develops in the period from their university education to their active teaching profession. Cross-sectional comparative study method was used in this research in order to examine what kind of development classroom teachers‟ pedagogical content knowledge exhibited from their university education to the period in which they actively operate within teaching profession. The sample of the study is composed of 164 pre-service teachers and 53 in-service teachers working in different primary schools in the province. The Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge Test (MPCKT) developed by Kwong, et al. (2007) was used as a data collection tool. According to the results of the study, it was observed that knowledge levels of the prospective teachers in terms of PCK sub-components has not developed as directly proportional depending on the class level and teaching profession.


Gokkurt Ozdemir, B., Sahin, O., Basibuyuk, K., Erdem, E., & Soylu, Y. (2017). Development of pedagogical content knowledge of classroom teachers on the numbers in terms of two components. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 3(2), 409-423. DOI: 10.21890/ijres.327899





