Digital Videos in Accounting Education: A Study on Perceived Use and Satisfaction in the Light of Connectivism
Digital video, Perception, Student satisfaction, Connectivism, AccountingAbstract
In the light of the connectivism theory, the objective was to analyze the perception of use and satisfaction of accounting students about Edpuzzle, a digital video application. This tool was employed in four accounting courses using the cell phones of 92 students. A questionnaire was administered on-site and was structured in two parts. The first contained questions about the respondent's profile, and the second about the use and satisfaction with Edpuzzle. The results indicated that students liked to use Edpuzzle and felt satisfied, especially those under 21 years old. We also noticed significant correlations among the questions. For example, the positive association between interactivity and appropriateness of use of the Edpuzzle stands out. It is concluded, therefore, that the results corroborate the connectivism theory, which sustains that knowledge must suffer updates as the environment changes and that sharing is crucial for the creation of networks that feed each other. Edpuzzle helps in this regard.References
da Costa, A. C., da Silva, B. G., Nasu, V. H., Nogueira, D. R., & Marques, C. (2021). Digital videos in accounting education: a study on perceived use and satisfaction in the light of connectivism. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 7(4), 1058-1075.
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