Promoting Inquiry Based Learning through Entertaining Science Activities
Inquiry based learning, Motivation, Argumentation, Hands on activitiesAbstract
Considering students’ increasing lack of interest and motivation for science subjects, it becomes almost imperative to introduce different methodology approaches in classrooms. Besides, decontextualized science teaching, where hands on activities are not sufficiently taken into account, can make the students attitude toward science-learning even worse. Inquiry Based Learning where elements such as games, toys and short experiments are included is showed as a useful methodological proposal. This paper presents how the use of these entertaining science activities can improve students’ interest and encourage them to speak about science, acquiring better argumentation and inquiry skills when they are properly performed in a formal classroom context.References
Lozano, O. R. & Solbes, J., (2021). Promoting inquiry based learning through entertaining science activities. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 7(4), 1117-1135.
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