The Effects of Leveled Reading on Second Language Learners
This study examines the significance of using leveled texts in the improvement of second language learners’ word recognition skills, accuracy and fluency. For this purpose, the research explores students’ readings levels, word identification and decoding skills, reading accuracy and reading fluency before and after the leveled reading program. In addition, the study investigates the English teachers’ perspectives about leveled reading and their outlook on parental. Lastly, the article explores parents’ views towards the impact of parental involvement towards child’s development. The research followed a mixed method research design, combining quantitative and qualitative data. The study was conducted in four elementary private schools in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. The findings showed steady growth in word recognition abilities and improved automaticity. Results from running records exhibited a substantial increase in accuracy. Fluency assessments displayed a rise in fluency rate and fluency scores. Implications from this study indicate the positive effects of readings at the frustration level. Therefore, it is encouraged to explore further the impact of providing challenging reading materials.References
Alowais, A., (2021). The effects of leveled reading on second language learners. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 7(4), 1281-1299.
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