The Impact of Modeling and Role Play on Grade Eleven Students’ Achievement and Motivation While Teaching Krebs Cycle in Biology
Krebs cycle, Modeling, Motivation, Role playAbstract
This study investigated the effect of applying “participant modeling” followed by a role play on grade eleven scientific students’ achievement and motivation in biology. Students usually face problems in understanding difficult biology concepts like Krebs cycle which is composed of a series of biochemical reactions with many molecules and compounds involved. The researcher designed t-shirts with information about the molecules and the reactions of Krebs cycle and students were asked to wear them throughout the teaching/learning process. Implementing participant modeling helped students to memorize the names of the molecules, their role. Then a role play was applied after modeling to relate the chemical reactions together. Nineteen students with ages ranging between 16 and 17 (N=19) enrolled in grade eleven scientific participated in this study. Data was collected using pre and post-achievement tests, and a motivation test that was implemented before and after the intervention. Results showed a significant enhancement in achievement, but no significant change occurred at the level of motivation. Ultimately, recommendations related to both methodology and future researches are offered.References
Saab, M., & Shaaban, E. (2022). The impact of modeling and role play on grade eleven students’ achievement and motivation while teaching Krebs cycle in biology. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 8(2), 219-242.
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