Integrated Assessments of K-12 Students’ Science and Literacy Knowledge
Interdisciplinarity, Science, Literacy, Assessment, Professional developmentAbstract
Incorporating literacy instruction in science is a beneficial practice that uses interdisciplinary strategies to address connections between language arts and science. Interdisciplinary curricular approaches in education are common expectations for science teachers and there are increasingly more mandates for embedding literacy into science curricula. This interdisciplinary program requires the teachers to apply a common methodology and language to instruction. While ideas for lessons and strategies for incorporation of literacy in science are plentiful, the field falls short in providing guidance on assessment of proficiencies in the literacy embedded science instruction. Therefore, it is critical that teachers receive support in creating common learning goals and assessments to ensure appropriate alignment of interdisciplinary curricula. The purpose of this project is to explore the problem that elementary teachers have with assessment when implementing interdisciplinary science and literacy instruction. The project has practical implications for teachers at the primary and secondary level where many times it is easier to teach only one subject, and sometimes teachers have not had training in teaching both subjects. Additionally, even if teaching interdisciplinary science and literacy is done, it is difficult to assess both subjects in one assessment tool. Therefore it is necessary to determine how teachers can not only design the assessment tools, but use them to identify student learning in both literacy and science instruction. This manuscript will provide our analysis of interdisciplinary teaching and assessment strategies, and a compilation of effective assessment strategies that will be useful for other teachers involved in incorporating literacy curricula into science instruction.References
Cesljarev, C., & Akerson, V. (2022). Integrated assessments of K-12 students’ science and literacy knowledge. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 8(3), 471-485.
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