Analysis of Variables that Affect Teaching Learning Approaches and Epistemological Beliefs of Pre-Service Teachers by Structural Equation Model
Teaching learning approaches, Epistemological beliefs, Individual innovativeness, Structural equation modelAbstract
Teachers are expected to update their instructional strategies. Teaching learning approaches and epistemological beliefs may affect teaching practices. The aim of this study is analyzing the relation of variables that effect epistemological beliefs and teaching learning approaches of teacher candidates on a statistical model. According to literature, self-efficacy perceptions, individual innovativeness positions, gender and English success levels, are expected to have direct or indirect effects on epistemological beliefs and teaching learning approaches. Many studies examined these relations, but there is not any study examining all of these relations on a statistical model. In addition, the effect of individual innovativeness on epistemological beliefs and teaching learning approaches was not examined on any model previously. A theoretical model established in line with the literature and has been tested with path analysis method. Results indicate that the model gave fit with the data within acceptable limits. According to the model, learning teaching approaches of individuals with sophisticated epistemological beliefs are more constructivist. In this case epistemological belief, individual innovativeness, general self-efficacy, gender, English success level and alma mater can be said to have direct or indirect effects on teaching learning approaches of teacher candidates.References
Uslu, O. (2018). Analysis of variables that affect teaching learning approaches and epistemological beliefs of pre-service teachers by structural equation model. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 4(1), 237-251. DOI:10.21890/ijres.383167
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