Encouraging Creative Ideas in the Engineering Design Process for Science Classes
Creativity, Design, Science education, Engineering practices, Scientific inquiryAbstract
One of the most challenging tasks for teachers in projects is to develop creative ideas. Due to the linear system perspective of education, fostering students' creativity is restricted. However, engineering design and scientific process skills that comprise creativity have an iterative structure. An iterative process-oriented education enables students to engage with questions. First, the current study includes a theoretical framework for the nature of engineering design and its transfer to classroom practices. Second, it provides examples of design-based activities that will contribute to the development of the engineering habits of the mind for teachers. In the study, a design of a future living environment activity that can be planned as a long-term student project is introduced. Then, a student design report and a design evaluation rubric for teachers are shared. In this section, engineering design-based projects are demonstrated in detail. These projects are based on the “One Item, One Material” project idea development strategy proposed by the authors. It is considered that such activities, which are carried out with the understanding of simple–complex science, can trigger the enthusiasm of discovery in students’ minds.References
Oguz Unver, A., & Okulu, H. Z. (2022). Encouraging creative ideas in the engineering design process for science classes. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 8(3), 486-501. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijres.2920
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