School Management and Climate to Enhance Parental Involvement




Parental involvement, School climate, School management, School improvement ment,


The aim of this study was to investigate the views of parents and teachers on school principal’s role in shaping a school climate that favors parental involvement. The research is based on the theory of bio-ecological systems. Data was collected from 236 parents/guardians and teachers of Primary Education in Western Thessaloniki (North Greece) using a structured questionnaire. The identification of the principal's contribution to the school climate indicated that the general school climate are formed positively at high values in its four dimensions. The role of administration in shaping all dimensions of the school climate is estimated more positively by teachers than the students’ parents. The identification of the principal's contribution to parental involvement revealed particularly positive views of teachers and parents on the active involvement of parents in the educational process on all five dimensions. Differentiations of teachers and parents/guardians emerged regarding three dimensions of parental involvement such as school-family communication, parents’ volunteering and school cooperation with the wider community. The important finding is the strong positive correlations that emerge between the variables that assess the principal’s contribution to climate change and the variables regarding parental involvement.

Author Biographies

Eleftheria Koutsouveli, 3rd Primary School of Stavroupoli, Thessaloniki

Eleftheria Koutsouveli School Teacher MSc3rd Primary School of Stavroupoli, ThessalonikiAddress: Navarinou 1, 56430, Stavroupoli , ThessalonikiCountry GreeceContact e-mail:

Akrivoula A. Geraki, Hellenic Open University

SHORT CURRICULUM VITAE OF GERAKI AGGELOU AKRIVOULA  Geraki Aggelou Akrivoula is a teacher of Economics and Law in Greek Secondary Education. She has served as a Principal in Larissa General Lyceum. She has BA (Bachelor of Arts) degrees in Pedagogics, Economics and Law. She holds an MA (Master of Arts) degree in “Educational studies” from the Hellenic Open University. She developed and got her Doctoral (PhD) Thesis at the Aristotle University of Thessalloniki, in the Department of Economic Sciences at the School of Economic and Social Sciences ( ). She served as a permanent official of the Court of Auditors- University Education Graduates- acquiring experience in public administration and control of public spending.She has an instructional experience at the post-graduate level- Adult Education; she taught lessons of the field of Business Organization and Management- Marketing. She was, also, an educational trainer of secondary education teachers in themes falling within her studies.Additionally, she has experience in Higher Education teaching. More specifically, she was a teacher at the Larissa Technological Educational Institute, School of Economy and Administration, in the Department of Accountings.Currently, she is a Consultant Professor at the Hellenic Open University. She undertakes the supervision of the MA in “Studies in Education” (School of Human Studies) Dissertations. In the academic year of 2020-21 she taught Organization and Management in the department of Adult Education of the Hellenic Open University.Her scientific and research work includes articles in Greek and International Journals and Presentations in Greek and International Conferences.Her scientific interests fall within the field of education and, more specifically, in regard to the headteacher-leader and all the participants of the educational process; also, the legislative framework and the practice of educational policy, the culture-climate of the school, the pre-social and cultural skills of students and the effectiveness of the educational process; she uses both quantitative and qualitative research methods and tools.She is a member of scientific and professional organizations and unions in Greece and abroad. Communication:  and 


Koutsouveli, E., & Geraki, A. (2022). School management and climate to enhance parental involvement. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 8(4), 662-679.





