Improving Student Success in Introductory Chemistry using Early Alert and Intervention
Introductory chemistry, Early alerts, InterventionAbstract
Introductory Chemistry is a foundation course that provides students with the basic knowledge and skills to enable them to be successful in the subsequent General Chemistry courses. Despite being an introductory course, it is still challenging for many students, making it ideal for the implementation of various pedagogical initiatives. One such initiative is an Early alert and intervention (EAI) program. Early alert and intervention programs can be described as communication systems which are put in place to help with the timely identification and intervention of students who display attrition risk factors. Data has shown that identifying at risk students early in courses such as Introductory Chemistry and intervening accordingly makes positive impacts on student success. In the fall 2016 semester, pass rates in Introductory Chemistry at one of Miami Dade College’s (MDC) campuses saw a sharp decline from that of the collegewide average. An early alert and intervention program was implemented to reverse this decline. This initiative involved the use of a mathematics diagnostic assessment at the beginning of the semester to identify students at risk of failing the course, thus providing the necessary interventions early in the semester. More frequent assessments were also administered throughout the semester to consistently monitor students’ progress and provide interventions where necessary. This initiative was conducted over a two-year period and resulted in more than a twenty-percentage point increase in student pass rates for Introductory Chemistry.References
Hudson-Holness, D., Minchala, M., & Le, U. (2022). Improving student success in introductory chemistry using early alert and intervention. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 8(4), 752-764.
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