Nature of Science Conceptions and Identity Development among Science Education Doctoral Students: Preparing NOS Teacher Educators




Nature of Science, Doctoral Students


Research on Nature of Science (NOS) conceptions and identity development for NOS contains a gap in the realm of examining doctoral students aiming to be science teacher educators. This research examines the NOS identity development of participants in a course focused on the philosophy of science and research about NOS education. The data analyzed for this study were recordings and notes taken during class discussions in a NOS seminar, as well as NOS research and teaching assignments associated with the course. These data sources were analyzed for development of four influences on identity development for NOS: 1) personal influences on NOS identity, 2) contextual influences on NOS identity, 3) competing identities with NOS, and 4) persistence in overcoming barriers to development of a NOS identity. Findings emphasize the need to target NOS identity development among teacher educators, as they hold the primary responsibility for instilling a NOS identity in their own students, who are future teachers.

Author Biographies

Andrea Phillips, Indiana University

Doctoral Student Science Education, Indiana University School of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Shukufe Rahman, Indiana University

Doctoral Student Science Education, Indiana University School of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Qiu Zhong, Indiana University

Doctoral Student Science Education, Indiana University School of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Claire Cesljarev, Indiana University

Doctoral Student Science Education, Indiana University School of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Conghui Liu, Indiana University

Doctoral Student Science Education, Indiana University School of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Tulana Ariyaratne, Indiana University

Doctoral Student Science Education, Indiana University School of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Jessica McClain, Indiana University

Doctoral Student Science Education, Indiana University School of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Valarie Akerson, Indiana University

Professor, Science Education, Indiana University School of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction


Phillips, A., Rahman, S., Zhong, Q., Cesljarev, C., Liu, C., Ariyaratne, T., McClain, J., & Akerson, V. (2022). Nature of science conceptions and identity development among science education doctoral students: Preparing NOS teacher educators. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 8(4), 626-646.





