The Effectiveness of Hybrid Learning in Enhancing Academic Mindfulness and Deeper Learning of University Students
Hybrid Learning, Deeper Learning, Academic Mindfulness, Learner's PsychologyAbstract
With the escalation of the Covid-19 crisis, many educational institutions have turned to distance education, especially universities and higher education institutions, which may affect the quality of learning outcomes especially those related to deeper learning and academic mindfulness. The present study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of hybrid learning in developing academic mindfulness and enhancing deeper learning of a sample of university students, in addition to shedding the light on the relationship among the study variables. The research sample consists of 350 university students from both humanities and scientific majors at two faculties in a university in Egypt during the academic year 2021\2022. A quasi-experimental research design was used in this study to investigate the relationship among the variables of the study and to answer the proposed questions. As shown through the obtained results hybrid learning is considered one of the effective teaching and learning approaches, especially in recent years. During the Covid-19 pandemic using online learning was the most effective and available way to continue learning, however after this situation ends hybrid learning should be the basic method of learning especially for university students. The present study shows a positive significant correlation among the variables of the study including academic mindfulness, deep learning competencies levels, and hybrid learning, which stresses the importance of applying hybrid learning to have a high-quality outcome of the educational process.References
Essa, E. K. (2023). The effectiveness of hybrid learning in enhancing academic mindfulness and deeper learning of university students. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 9(1), 188-202.
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