Re-engaging Youth Who Have Been Pushed Out, In The Science Classroom
Science Education, Culturally Relevant Science, Alternative Education, Qualitative ResearchAbstract
Providing opportunities for youth who have been ‘pushed out’ of traditional schools to re-engage is an issue of social justice. The lack of equitable learning opportunities in the traditional science classroom is a contributing factor to youth being pushed out. Alternative education programs have the potential to support youth who have been ‘pushed out; to re-engage in science. This study investigated the factors that may contribute to the academic achievement of students in their class-based science courses at Xinaxtli Charter School, an alternative education program for youth who have been ‘pushed out’ in Southern California. A phenomenological research study using interviews was conducted. Students identified the Xinaxtli science classrooms as a critical and equitable science learning space with these components: educators who develop authentic relationships with students, a learning space that embodies an epistemological pluriverse inclusive of multiple perspectives and values the knowledge students bring to the classroom, the use of culturally relevant science that empowers students to make informed decisions, a localized-critical-action-based curriculum, and a wide array of equitable learning practices to re-engage students. Findings from this study underscore that a paradigm shift must occur in science education for critical and equitable learning opportunities to become commonplace.References
Pena, A. (2023). Re-engaging youth who have been pushed out, in the science classroom. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 9(3), 571-596.
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