Comparative Analysis of Iranian and Turkish Special Education in Terms of Aims and Principles
Comparative education, Iranian special education, Turkish special educationAbstract
Comparative education is very important in terms of addressing the similarities, differences, interactions, and interaction levels of education systems. In comparative education studies the similarities and differences between the education systems implemented by the countries under consideration are investigated and presented within the framework of certain criteria. This study aims to compare Iranian and Turkish special education systems in terms of aims and principles. In the study, a qualitative study based on the document/document analysis method is adopted to compare the special education principles of the two countries. In this study, which focuses on the aims and principles of special education in Turkey and Iran, the data were collected using the relevant laws, regulations, legislation, theses, books, articles, publications, and websites of ministries and institutions. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive analysis method in terms of similarities and differences in accordance with document analysis in comparative education. According to the results, Iran and Turkey have a similar general purpose in special education: to prepare the individual for society and the future. The main purpose of special education is to meet the educational needs of individuals with special needs. While the Turkish special education approach is more family-oriented and cares about the child’s environment, the Iranian special education approach focuses on the individual in need of special education.References
Kizilkaya, H. & Vosough Matin, M. (2023). Comparative analysis of Iranian and Turkish special education in terms of aims and principles. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 9(3), 704-714.
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