Student Perceptions of Interprofessional Education: Associations with the Major Subject, Previous Education and Work Experience




Students, Interprofessional learning


Based on previous studies, it was hypothesized that the personal background of students, including previous qualifications and work experience, may be one factor affecting their perceptions of interprofessional education. In a cross-sectional study, the associations between students’ (N = 149) gender, major subject, previous degrees, and interprofessional work experience, perceptions of interprofessional education, and appraisal of members of their own profession in interprofessional cooperation were examined. According to the most noteworthy results, having more interprofessional work experience and a previous degree from a university of applied sciences was associated with perceiving interprofessional studies to be more useful. Moreover, having less interprofessional work experience was associated with perceiving members of one’s own profession more positively regarding interprofessional cooperation. It is suggested that also these background variables are considered when designing and implementing interprofessional education.

Author Biographies

Petri Karkkola, University of Eastern Finland

School of Educational Sciences and PsychologyUniversity Lecturer

Aino Äikäs, University of Eastern Finland

School of Educational Sciences and PsychologySenior University Lecturer

Kati Kasanen, University of Eastern Finland

School of Educational Sciences and PsychologySenior University Lecturer

Mervi Issakainen, University of Eastern Finland

Law SchoolPostdoctoral Researcher

Taru Kekoni, University of Eastern Finland

Department of Social SciencesUniversity Lecturer

Kaarina Mönkkönen, University of Eastern Finland

Department of Social SciencesSenior University Lecturer


Karkkola, P., Äikäs, A., Kasanen, K., Issakainen, M., Kekoni, T., & Mönkkönen, K. (2023). Student perceptions of interprofessional education: Associations with the major subject, previous education and work experience. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 9(4), 878-890.





