Competence Development Needs of Health Sciences Teacher Candidates and the Factors Connected to Those Needs
Health science, Teacher education, Students, CompetenceAbstract
Health science teacher candidates should acquire skills for professional development during their education as teachers, both to ensure their professional competence and improve the quality of learning. This study aimed to identify the competence levels and competence development needs of health science teacher candidates, and the factors associated with those needs. The research applied cross-sectional design and was conducted in winter 2018–2019 in Finland. The Health and Social Care Educator’s Competence instrument and the Educators’ Professional Development instrument were used to collect data. Teacher candidates evaluated their competence as good into all areas of competence. Candidates’ level of need to develop pedagogical competence related to their level of competence in leadership and management, subject and curriculum, and digital collaborative learning. Candidates with a higher level of collaboration and societal competence needed less development to manage challenging situations in teaching. Candidates with more work experience as an educator needed less competence development in managing challenging situations and leadership support. Based on the results, micro level competence should be developed from the start of health science teaching studies, and the latter stages of their studies should develop their macro level competence.References
Kuivila, H., Koskimäki, M., Kääriäinen, M., Koivula, M., Parmila-Savukoski, S., Männistö, M., & Mikkonen, K. (2024). Competence development needs of health sciences teacher candidates and the factors connected to those needs. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 10(2), 199-217.
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