Developing Undergraduates’ Soft Skills: An Investigation of the Status Quo and the Challenges
higher education (HE), Soft skills, Instructors, Mixed-method approach, Students’ affairs office (SAO)Abstract
This study aimed at investigating the undergraduates’ soft skills in a private HE institute in Lebanon from various perspectives. The study adopted a mixed-method approach for collecting and analyzing the data. Two different surveys, compiling major features of incorporating soft skills into USAL’s study programs, were administered. 108 undergraduates and 23 instructors from different majors competed the surveys. A focus group interview was conducted for student affairs office personnel (SAO) to examine its role in developing undergraduates’ soft skills. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS 26.0 while qualitative data were classified into themes and analyzed against the quantitative data and USAL’s policy and regulations. Findings indicate, from a triangulated perspective, that USAL’s undergraduates have revealed an average level of soft skills although they admit their significant importance for employability and career advancement. In addition, USAL’s role in developing undergraduates’ soft skills appears satisfactory with respect to the curriculum, the instructors’ responsibilities and conducts, and SAO liabilities. Challenges impeding the process of integrating soft skills are pinpointed and discussed. Recommendations for the betterment of investing soft skills within USAL’ context, policy and practice, are shared.References
Freij, I. (2024). Developing undergraduates’ soft skills: An investigation of the status quo and the challenges. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 10(2), 407-425.
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