Students’ Early Grade Understanding of the Equal Sign and Non-standard Equations in Jordan and India


  • Melinda S. Eichhorn Gordon College
  • Lindsey E. Perry Southern Methodist University
  • Aarnout Brombacher Brombacher and Associates


Equal sign, Early grade mathematics, Addition and subtraction


Many students around the world are exposed to a rote teaching style in mathematics that emphasizes memorization of procedures. Students are frequently presented with standard types of equations in their textbooks, in which the equal sign is immediately preceding the answer (a + b = c). This exposure can lead to many misconceptions, such as thinking that the equal sign means “do something” or “the answer is.” This paper describes students’ understanding of the equal sign when solving nonstandard equations in Jordan on the Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA) and in India on a number sense screener. Common misconceptions are shared, as well as strategies for improving instruction with the equal sign and non-standard equations to prevent future errors.

Author Biographies

Melinda S. Eichhorn, Gordon College

Department of EducationAssistant Professor

Lindsey E. Perry, Southern Methodist University

STEM Research & Assessment Coordinator for the Research in Mathematics Education unit at Southern Methodist University

Aarnout Brombacher, Brombacher and Associates

A teacher and curriculum developer whose 30-year career includes secondary classroom experience and over a decade and a half of work as an education consultant in the areas of teacher training, materials development, and research. He has played a leading role in curriculum development in South Africa, where he was also President of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA). Working with RTI International he has led the development and application of Early Grade Mathematics Assessments (EGMAs) in more than ten countries in Africa and the Middle East as well as leading two early grade reading and mathematics pilot research activities in Jordan which in turn have resulted in a five-year Kingdom wide roll-out. He is also the director of Brombacher and Associates, a South African organisation involved in materials development, teacher training and research in mathematics education.


Eichhorn, M.S., Perry, L.E., & Brombacher, A. (2018). Students’ early grade understanding of the equal sign and non-standard equations in Jordan and India. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 4(2), 655-669. DOI:10.21890/ijres.432520


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