The Influence of a Teaching Practice Course with Video-Case Enriched Microteaching on Prospective Teachers' Self-Efficacy for Teaching
Mentoring, Prospective science teachers, Science teaching, Sources of self-efficacy, Teaching practice courseAbstract
In this study, we aimed to investigate prospective science teachers’ development of self-efficacy beliefs for teaching during Teaching Practice Course. Besides regular implementations such as teaching practice in real classrooms and mentoring, a Teaching Practice Course enriched with microteaching supported by video-cases was designed. The participants include four female senior prospective science teachers from an eastern state university in Turkey. In this case study, the data were collected through pre- and post-questionnaires. The findings mainly indicated that prospective teachers’ self-efficacy levels were generally high both before and after the course without any decrease. Furthermore, the participants benefited from the teaching practice and micro teaching with video-cases, and made good use of observing their mentor and the other interns as well as getting feedback. Their physiological and emotional state was also improved. The implications of the findings are discussedReferences
Yerdelen, S., Osmanoglu, A., & Tas, Y. (2019). The influence of a teaching practice course with video-case enriched microteaching on prospective teachers' self-efficacy for teaching. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 5(2), 560-573.
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