The Relationship between Primary School Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, Autonomy, Job Satisfaction, Teacher Engagement and Burnout: A Model Development Study
In this study, it was aimed explore the relationship between primary school teachers’ sense of self-efficacy, autonomy, job satisfaction, teacher engagement, and burnout variables. The study was conducted using a quantitative research design and a correlational model. The data were collected at three different levels. In the first level, during the adaptation of Teacher Autonomy Scale to Turkish the data were obtained from 146 teachers; in the second level, for the linguistic equivalence, data were collected from 32 teachers; and the third level was conducted to test the relationship between the variables of the study through a model by collecting, the data from 716 teachers. The analysis of data was done using SPSS 18 package program and LISREL 8.8 program. A model showing the relationships between the variables of the study, self-efficacy, autonomy, job satisfaction, teacher engagement, and burnout were tested. These relationships were tested by the path analysis. At the end of analyses, it was found out that teaching self-efficacy predicted teacher engagement, job satisfaction, and autonomy positively while it predicted burnout negatively at significant levels. As for teacher autonomy, it predicted teacher engagement positively. The results of the study revealed that the fit goodness between the theoretical model and the data was high.References
Sokmen, Y. & Kilic, D. (2019). The relationship between primary school teachers’ self-efficacy, autonomy, job satisfaction, teacher engagement and burnout: A model development study. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 5(2), 709-721.
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