Third Graders’ Understanding of Air Concepts Facilitated by the iPod Inquiry Teaching Method


  • Ching-san Lai National Taipei University of Education


Air, iPod inquiry teaching, Learning effectiveness, Science education, Science teaching


e major purpose of this study was to determine the learning performance of the air concept unit for third graders in a primary school facilitated by the iPod inquiry teaching method.  This study adopts a quasi-experimental method. Participants were third graders in a primary school in New Taipei city.  The experimental group consisted of 53 students who received iPod inquiry teaching and the control group consisting of another 53 students who received regular teaching. The teaching content was the air concept unit for third graders.  The research instruments consisted of an Air Concepts Comprehension Test (KR21 = .84) and the Scientific Attitude Scale (Cronbach α = .93).  The research results showed that the performance in both the Air Concept Comprehension Test and the Scientific Attitude Scale for the experimental group was superior to that of the control group.  The results showed that iPod inquiry teaching is conducive for promoting the scientific learning of the air concept unit for third graders in primary schools.

Author Biography

Ching-san Lai, National Taipei University of Education

Department of Science EducationProfessor





