Improving Junior High School Students’ Mathematical Analogical Ability Using Discovery Learning Method
Discovery learning method, Mathematical analogical abilityAbstract
The aim of this study was to identify the influence of discovery learning method towards the mathematical analogical ability of junior high school’s students. This is a research using factorial design 2x2 with ANOVA-Two ways. The population of this research included the entire students of SMPN 13 Jakarta (State Junior High School 13 of Jakarta) taken by using cluster random sampling with two samples for each class. In this research, there were two learning groups; one with discovery learning method and the other one with expository. Class VII.6 was used as the experiment group, while Class VII.8 was used as the control group. Each group consisted of 36 students who were divided into three ability scales, namely high, medium, and low. The research data were gained from test, questionnaire, observation, and interview. The result shows that: (1) the improvement of the students’ mathematical analogical ability using discovery learning method is considered better than the expository group; (2) There is significant improvement of the students’ mathematical analogical ability based on higher, medium, and lower groups.Downloads
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