The Relation between Self-Efficacy Beliefs towards Science Teaching and Learning Strategies of Primary School Teacher Candidates

Nevin Kozcu Çakır

688 418


In this research, the relation between primary school teacher candidates' self-efficacy beliefs towards science teaching and learning strategies was investigated. The research group consisted of 314 primary school teacher candidates who are studying in the faculty of education in a public university. “The Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument” was used to determine the self-efficacy of primary school teacher candidates for science teaching; and in order to determine their learning strategies, part of the Learning Strategies Scale (LSS) was used. The data were analyzed with canonical correlation analysis using CANCORR syntax in PASW 21 software. According to the results of the analysis, it was determined that there was a significant  relation between the personal self-efficacy belief in science teaching variable in self-efficacy belief in science teaching data set and elaboration strategy (ES), metacognitive self-regulation (MC), effort regulation (ER) and time and study environment management (TSEM) variables in the learning strategies data set.


Science teaching, Learning strategies, Self-efficacy belief, Canonical correlation

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Kozcu Cakir, N. (2020). The relation between self-efficacy beliefs towards science teaching and learning strategies of primary school teacher candidates. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 6(2), 347-360.



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International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES)
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