Non-mathematics Students’ Reasoning in Calculus Tasks


  • Ljerka Jukić Matić Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek, Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6, 31 000, Osijek, Croatia Tel. +385 31 224 803, Fax. +385 31 224 801


Reasoning, Non-mathematics students, Calculus, Non-routine tasks


This paper investigates the reasoning of first year non-mathematics students in non-routine calculus tasks. The students in this study were accustomed to imitative reasoning from their primary and secondary education. In order to move from imitative reasoning toward more creative reasoning, non-routine tasks were implemented as an explicit part of the students’ calculus course. We examined the reasoning of six students in the middle of the calculus course and at the end of the course. The analyzed data showed that the students’ reasoning differed in the middle of the course and after having passed the course, in terms of having more characteristics of creative reasoning. In addition, we found several negative met-befores and met-afters affecting the students’ knowledge and interfering with their reasoning.

Author Biography

Ljerka Jukić Matić, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek, Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6, 31 000, Osijek, Croatia Tel. +385 31 224 803, Fax. +385 31 224 801

Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek,Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6, 31 000, Osijek, Croatia





