Enhancing College Students’ Procedural Knowledge of Physics Using Blended Jigsaw-IV Problem-Solving Instruction
Procedural knowledge, Jigsaw-IV Problem Solving method Jigsaw-IV Techniques of Teaching, Tandem- instructionAbstract
Jigsaw-IV Problem-solving method is innovative active learning instruction used to improve college student’s learning. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of Jigsaw-IV problem-solving instruction on preservice physics teachers' (PSPT) procedural knowledge in college of teacher education in the Southern nation nationality region of Ethiopia. The study involves 136 first year PSPTs who are attending their preservice teacher education program in four colleges of teacher education. To achieve the goal of the study, a quasi-experimental research method with the pretest-posttest design was used. Procedural knowledge test was used for Data collection. The reliability of the test was checked using KR-20 and found to be 0.83. In treatment groups one, two, and three, the TECDRER (Thinking, Exploring, Choosing, and Manipulating), Discussing, Reflecting, Evaluating, and Re-teaching) model used in Jigsaw-IV problem-solving strategies (J-IVPSS), Jigsaw-IV (J-IV), and Problem Solving Strategies (PSS) were employed, while the customary method was employed for the comparison group. After checking all necessary assumption the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such as ANOVA and ANCOVA. The results showed that treatment groups performed significantly better than the comparison group. It was suggested that the J-IVPSS is a good approach to enhance PSPT's Procedural knowledge.References
Cashata, Z. A., Seyoum, D. G., & Gashaw, F. E. (2023). Enhancing college students’ procedural knowledge of physics using blended Jigsaw-IV problem-solving instruction. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 9(1), 148-164. https://doi.org/10.46328/ijres.3035
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