Collegiality Competence Profiles of Social- and Healthcare Educators – Cross-sectional Study
Collegiality, Competence, Educator, Higher education, Vocational institution, Social care, HealthcareAbstract
This study focuses on collegiality competence among social and healthcare educators, aiming to identify profiles and factors linked to these profiles. The importance of collegiality for educators' career growth and workplace well-being has been recognized, but less attention has been given to specific profiles and their underlying factors. Data from educators in vocational institutions and universities of applied sciences were collected using the CollegialityComp instrument, assessing five competence areas: 1) individual-centered collaboration, 2) educator action and fairness, 3) collaboration among colleagues, 4) collaboration outside the organization, and 5) communication and trust. Three educator profiles emerged: Profile A displayed high competence in all areas, Profile B showed strong competence in certain areas, and Profile C demonstrated intermediate competence across all. Education and job title significantly linked to specific profiles. Educators with doctoral degrees had lower collegiality levels. The findings suggest the importance of facilitating external collaboration for educators and providing extra support for high-degree educators to enhance their collegial behavior. Additional resources may be needed to bolster the collegiality competence of educators with significant responsibilities.References
Koskenranta, M., Kuivila, H., Pramila-Savukoski, S., Männistö, M., & Mikkonen, K. (2023). Collegiality competence profiles of social- and healthcare educators – Cross-sectional study. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 9(4), 951-972.
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