Energy-, Environmental-, and Climate Change Literacy among Primary and Middle School Students
Climate change, Energy education, Environmental education, Literacy, Primary and middle schoolsAbstract
The aim of the present study was to assess the energy- environmental-, and climate change literacy among primary and middle school students in selected cities of Ethiopia. This survey study was conducted in primary and middle schools found in six cities and involved a total of 1589 students. The finding indicate that the participants of the study had a very good awareness about principles underlying generation and use of energy but performed much poorly in items related to awareness about impacts of climate change. The paper also concluded that students’ views about issues related to generation and use of energy cannot be considered as favorable. On the other hand, the results on practices related to energy use and environmental protection reveal that participants reported pro-energy and environmental practice. Interestingly, the practice of participants doesn’t seem to align with the generally unfavorable attitude towards energy generation and climate change. Therefore, it is advised that primary and middle schools offer a thorough education on energy and environmental education because these levels of instruction have a special role to play in raising awareness of and developing skills and attitudes related to environmental and climate change education.References
Gebeyehu, D., Dalelo, A., Eshetu, F., Belachew, W., Wodaj, H., Abate, A., & Hagos, M. (2024). Energy-, environmental-, and climate change literacy among primary and middle school students. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 10(1), 100-124.
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