Teaching the Concept of Limit by Using Conceptual Conflict Strategy and Desmos Graphing Calculator

Senfeng Liang

637 193


Although the mathematics community has long accepted the concept of limit as the foundation of modern Calculus, the concept of limit itself has been marginalized in undergraduate Calculus education. In this paper, I analyze the strategy of conceptual conflict to teach the concept of limit with the aid of an online tool – Desmos graphing calculator. I also provide examples of how to use the strategy of conceptual conflict. This graphing calculator provides an interactive, dynamic, and persuasive approach of teaching limit. I focus on applying the conceptual conflict idea to the concept of limit in the situation where  approaches infinity. This strategy can be applied to the limit of a function when  approaches a fixed number.


Calculus; Conceptual change; Conceptual conflict; Limit; Technology

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